Cheeseway Planneralm

easy Hiking · Grimming-Donnersbachtal

Tour characteristics
Distance: 5.46 km
Duration: 01:49 h
Ascent: 314 m
Descent: 273 m
Best time of year
The tour
The Kasweg trail connects two very special alpine pastures. While much (not everything, because there is so much more) revolves around the white gold of the mountains on the Schrabachalm, the big star on the Planneralm is the mountain pine. On this tour, your sense of taste and smell will be equally pleased - promised!
Turn-by-turn directions

Ausgehend von der Schrabachhütte quert der Weg die Straße und verläuft dann über Stock und Stein, Wiesen und Moos in einer angenehmen Steigung bis hinauf auf die Planneralm. Schautafeln entlang des Weges geben Einblick ins das almerische Leben und erklären, warum der Steirerkas so schmeckt, wie er schmeckt und die Kühe hier oben ganz besonders glücklich sind.

Alles hausgemacht! Freilich ist es auch möglich diese Almspezialitäten zu verkosten. Bei einer gemütlichen Einkehr in der Schrabachhütte fällt einem da die Wahl oftmals nicht leicht. Daher der Tipp - einfach alles ausprobieren oder einfach mit nach Hause nehmen ;-)

Nase frei! Und das geht am besten auf der Planneralm. Denn im höchst gelegenen steirischen Bergdorf wird nach altbewährter Traditon (wie könntes es anders sein) das kostbare Latschenkieferöl erzeugt. Ein wahrer Genuss für Mensch und Nase! Zu erriechen übrigens in der Latschenbrennerei.

Getting there
Exit from the B320 in Trautenfels in the direction of Donnersbach. From Donnersbach a 12 km toll-free mountain road leads up to the Planneralm.
There gives no puplic transport.
Large, free parking lot on the Planneralm.
  • Let others know where you are going.
  • Turn back in good time if the weather deteriorates. If you get caught in a thunderstorm, stay away from individual trees. Wait out the storm, if possible in a crouching position.
  • Stay on marked trails and remember to close pasture fences.In case of emergency, keep calm and call the mountain rescue on 140. If you have no reception, take out the sim card and dial 112.
  • If you encounter cows: It is best to pass above the herd with at least 50 meters distance. Stay calm, don't make any frantic movements and don't run away. Do not imitate cow sounds and do not try to pet the animals. A stick and loud shouting can often make the animals turn back in an emergency.
  • If you are a dog owner: Clarify before the hike if you have to cross a pasture. Keep your dog on a leash and make sure he stays calm. If a cow attacks, let the dog off the leash immediately. Never pick him up to defend him.
Walking shoes, something to drink and a small snack.

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Weather forecast

in the morning
at noon
in the evening
Dry and sunny throughout the day with hardly any clouds.
in the morning
at noon
in the evening
Dry and partly sunny throughout the day, with cloudy periods from time to time.
in the morning
at noon
in the evening
Dry with variable cloudiness and frequent sunny spells.

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