Hofpürglhütte - Südwandhütte | Dachstein Circular Hiking Trail: Stage 02
moderate Hiking · Ramsau am Dachstein
The second part of the Dachstein circular hiking trail leads from the Hofpürglhütte over steep climbs up to 2300 m altitude. A beautiful view can be enjoyed from the so-called "Tor". From here you descend to the Dachstein Südwandhütte - our stage goal.
On the second stage of our tour we take the Austria Trail 612/601 + 617, a mountain trail that leads us ever closer to the Dachstein glacier. Slight gradients lead us over the Kesselwand, where we meet Stieglweg No. 612, which would lead us back to Gosau. However, we continue on path no. 612/601 + 617, which takes us over the large rubble heaps to the Rinderfeld. Here we are already above the tree line and have a beautiful view of the Hohe Tauern. On path 617 we walk uphill to the summit of Sulzenschneid and from there back downhill to the Sulzenhals. From here we walk along the Windlegerkar below the ridge to the so-called "Tor". Here we get a first impression of the destination of this stage - the Dachstein Südwandhütte. Now we cross the border between Salzburg and Styria. Up to the Torboden there are some serpentines and screes. We overcome the last small ascent of this stage and reach Schönbühel, where the Dachstein Südwandhütte also stands - the destination of our second stage.
On the partly high alpine terrain, weather changes can always be expected. Weatherproof clothing and good footwear are highly recommended on this route.
Backpack, sturdy shoes, weatherproof clothing, enough supplies, sleeping bag if necessary
Enjoy the view from the "Tor"